Let's talk about Mickey Rourke.
Past. Present. Future.
I would let this man do whatever he wanted to me. I don't care about the failed boxing career. I don't care about the botched plastic surgery. All I care about is doing a re-make of Wild Orchid and 9 1/2 Weeks.
This beautiful beast came into the lingerie store that I represent, for an appointment with yours truly. Not only did I pick out beautiful panties for his made up Russian girlfriend, HE ASKED ME TO TRY THEM ON!! I'm not joking. Mickey Rourke is like money. You never joke about money or MIckey Rourke. I turned down his request but not before telling him, "I'm not trying them on, but I will tell you this...I have them and they look amazing". The reason I didn't put the panties on for him was because I was so scared my 'excitement' would end up all over these treats and I would have to hand them back soaked in my MickeyRourkeLove. Sigh. *The whole work ethic thing went completely out the window.
After a day of flirty texting, I STILL said no to his request to take me out. WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME?! I MEAN, REALLY.
I've decided to write Mickey a letter on this blog. I'm hoping I still have a chance for him to make me crawl across the floor to pick up the dollar bills he's thrown at me.
We can begin this process of shooting these remakes whenever is convienent for you. Really. I will make sure I have the tan lines, strawberries, and a mask. I will try on every piece of lingerie your black heart desires. I will take Tylenol beforehand to make sure I can keep up with you, my Stallion.
Barbie Girlfriend