When I am not getting up to utter shenanigans, I am a scientist. I will eventually be a neurologist, but right now, just a brain scientist. I FUCKING LOVE SCIENCE! Academia is the OTHER reason that I am alive. I love getting A’s. I love studying. I love that there is an ongoing challenge rattling ‘round my head that MUST GET TO MASTERY LEVEL. The field of neuroscience serves me a plate of humble pie! I bitch and moan that there is “nothing new”, “nothing special” in my social life every single day. And then, “Ahhhhhhhhhhh, let some, circadian rhythms, biological psychology, neuroendocrinology, hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis, hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis, neurotransmitters, homeostasis, dimorphic sexual-behavior, motor control, sensory processing, photo reception, organizational/activational effects of hormones, drug/alcohol effects on your noggin’ let me know how much I DO NOT KNOW ANYTHING!”
Life is more interesting when I apply this knowledge to my life/lifestyle/relationships.
Life is worth living when I focus on how I will study baby brains ‘till I discover ways that I will help kids that need me.
Life is…uh…all of these other things…too…I guess
My education keeps me in check. My education also burns me out. If you haven’t noticed, I sure feel like I deserve to drink and fuck and blow off steam any way that I see fit.
AHAHAHAHHAHA! Just like Natalie Portman says on her SNL gangsta’ rap about life at Harvard…
Guys: “What you want, Natalie?”
Natalie Portman: “TO DRINK AND FIGHT.”
Guys: ‘What you need, Natalie?”
Natalie Portman: "TO FUCK ALL NIGHT.”
Well? See. She gets it.
love- strategist gem girlfriend
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