All of the "how I am", know-it-all, Ms. Perfect, boss-of-the-world stuff? The i-am-6-feet-tall-and-a-brain-scientist stuff? Yeahhhhh wellllll, we all have bad days. You finish your finals. Your job is demanding. Your exes are looking you up to discuss your role in the demise of the relationship. Your family is threatening you. You are tired. Bored. Etc.
Hey! Hey! I know! Leave the club and drive straight to skid row! Oh, fuck, well, not straight, per se...get some fuckin' McDonalds If you are going to do shit that you NEVER DO? Go to MICKEYD's while you are downtown! Then go pull over by some tents and huddling drug addicts. Roll down your window. Purchase four balloons of heroin. Do it! Do it all! Puke your fucking guts out for an entire day. And then remember why you be good and not bad. Relapse on junk and junk food in one bitter evening is TOTALLY BULLSHIT! Hence the phrase, "I haven't touched the shit in a decade."
IN-Being cool, together, smart, clean
OUT-Falling off like a lame brained, average, boring, self-obsessed loser
The worst decision anyone can make is one on an empty stomach, oh, wait...
love-strategist jem girlfriend
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