Where I come from, it's expected to be married no later than 21, have your FIRST child at 23, and be a "STAY AT HOME' career woman. Well...it didn't quite turn out that way for my me. Whenever I have a visit with my family, all I hear is, "Well, Sugar, when are you gonna have somma those babies? "With the way you cook, you MUST be able to find a husband." ALL. DAMN. DAY. I'm sorry I didn't want to stay in town and marry my high school boyfriend who is now, by the way, a pistol-selling, crystal-meth-addicted felon. I'm sorry I didn't have that dream like my high school girlfriends with three kids, smoking Salem Lights barefoot in the front yard with a baby on their hip. Nuh-Uh! Not my cup of sweet tea! Just let me live my life in the Real World. Los Angeles. Where I fuck A-List actors and their girlfriends, BBD it to La Jolla, Play 'Domestic Abuse' with a Princess Hair Argentine musician, and NJOY Adult Sleepovers with all the pineapple I want. Get off my nuts already.
Disco Barbie Girlfriend
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