I have always thought blogs were terribly embarrassing. ALWAYS. But, it IS the future. I chose to live in the future. And I chose to be embarrassed in the future. Which brings me to the first entry. “Cock shots”. Pictures of male genitalia sent over a cell phone. Cock shots. Never in my lengthy and involved career in dating have I had more pictures of cock shots, dickpics, OMGs sent to my blackberry as in this Los Angeles. My girlfriends and I have built collections. And, yet, we encourage this alarming trend to thrive. We send them to each other and/or gay guy friends. Sometimes, in our sharing activities, we learn that there are serial cock pic senders around town! “OMG! He sent ME that one, too!!!” Among the other mysteries of LA dating life, 2nd only to billionaire ass-eaters, are these cock shots. Some are from dudes you just met at the club, some you have been sleeping with for years, and some are from your guy ‘friends’ who are just proud of their sizable ‘gift’. Fuck, man, the girlfriends and me are ready to make laminated trading cards of cock pics. Honestly, sending them over bbm to girlfriend while she is at a formal dinner has lost novelty and shock value. Watch out next time you see a buncha leggy blondes at Apple passing laminated cards! They are not Garbage Pail Kids, they are not baseball cards, they are not Webkins, they are your COCK SHOTS that you sent to one-too-many-a-babe. Snore. Snooze. We need a new game.
strategist jem girlfriend
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