You'd be surprised how many Pros you know in this town. What's a Pro?
1. One who solicits and accepts payment for sex acts.
2. One who sells one's abilities, talent, or name for an unworthy purpose.
You can usually spot them in their 'Protastic" uniform- the white Fedora. We like to call it, 'PRO-dora'. Most of the LA hos, I mean, PROS, wear them to identify themselves to the masses. You know, the Billionaire Ass-Eaters, Real Estate CEO's taking their sons out for a little "Father-Son Time", and to the Madame. She is the lead PR-O in this town and she's lookin' to recruit. See, there's this new trend going on in Hollywood. The Madame and her PR-O's throw parties at her Brothel or a really old rich dude's house. "I mean, they pay me." True words from the Madame. Well, what the fuck.
This is how these parties are going down:
Madame invites every non-working model, Brazilian Child Models, old tricks, new tricks, and of course her PR-O's to slink around the party, eyeing every Propecia ad and USC frat-boy that's looking to possibly "GET LAID". SHE'S JUST DOING HER JOB, RIGHT?? Ughh, give me a bottle of Jim Beam and a marathon of "The Real Housewives of Atlanta" to forget about that comment.
So ladies, if you ever get an invite to the "Discover PR-O Land Party", and end up having a threesome with that Father and Son I spoke about, don't say I didn't warn you. But, hey! You just might get a trip to Cabo out of it.
Well. I said it.
Disco Barbie Girlfriend
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