The banality of evil is a phrase coined by Hannah Arendt and incorporated in the title of her 1963 work Eichmann in Jerusalem: A Report on the Banality of Evil It describes the thesis that the great evils in history generally, and the Holocaust in particular, were not executed by fanatics or sociopaths but rather by ordinary people who accepted the premises of their state and therefore participated with the view that their actions were normal.
n. pl. ba·nal·i·ties
1. The condition or quality of being banal; triviality:
2. Something that is trite, obvious, or predictable; a commonplace
I want to discuss the banality of evil that occurs on:
#1-MYSPACE generally ends in tears
I'm angry, today. I'm angry when my exes fuck with me on the social networking sites. It is far too dramatic to react ON the above-mentioned sites, because then your personal life truly becomes a soap opera for your bored co-workers, childhood pals, and frienemies to judge.
So, I'm just feeling stuck. The most normal past time of 'tweens has TOTALLY GOTTEN A RISE OUT OF ME. Actually, it is beyond totally 'tweentastic...grandmothers, professors, children, and trash, play all day on the "trite, obvious, predictable commonplace."
I'm angry that I care enough about the most pedestrian, pop culturey, fad bullshit to have an opinion AT ALL.
Facebook is starting to disconnect me with others. Rather than doing something enjoyable such as talking and eating and dancing and drinking with my friends, I'm angry about little ungrammatical notes and photos in cyberspace, while chained to my desk?
Another day, I will divulge my conspiricay theroies about the CIA and their role in this, but for today, just some simple requests:
1.If we were ever engaged, do NOT comment on pictures of MY family on the regular. Read your baby name books with your babymama and leave MY kinfolk outta' your daily picture comment wit and charm parade.
2.If we recently dated, do NOT fill up MY BEST friends' walls with private, insider humor, pet name jokes that are reserved for PEOPLE IN THE GROUP. YOU are NOT in the GROUP ANY LONGER. Your brief stint, where you became privy to the group and their language, was dependent upon the very important variable of US DATING.
3. AND. AND. AND. Do NOT put up PUBLIC profile pictures that I was once IN and am now cropped OUT OF and/or profile pictures where you WROTE MY NAME ALL OVER YOURSELF WITH A SHARPIE WHEN WE WERE IN LOVE.
HEY! EX-Fiancée #3--->Take it EASY, ok?
HEY! HEY! Dude that I dated for a week---> I have already spent the better part of an afternoon deleting the sharpie pics, dickpics, pics of you coming, profile shots, headshots, pics of your kid, pics of you and your kid, pics of the football team that you coach, pics of you with at-risk youth, pics of you waking up, pics of you smoking, pics of you after you had shaved, pics of you driving, pics of you and your business partners, pics of your open button-down shirt exposing your chest FOR FUCKS SAKE, from my Blackberry.
My phone can finally breathe from the weight of your 85-picture-narcassitic-bombardment being lifted from its memory, now COULD I PLEASE HAVE REST OF MY CREEPY TECH SOCIAL LIFE BACK?
Sign out-jem gf
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