Demon seed is the new name for a really bad person. Really bad.
This is not because I was raised religious. I just happen to think it is the most perfect phrase.
My adorable Mother loves her some Lutheran Church, mostly for socializing and giving back to the community. Humanistic parenting? maybe ? was her inspiration to let me choose my own higher power? My teenage influences (books and boys) pointed me on the path to Eastern philosophy/religion. She tells people, " My daughter is, like, A Buddhist, now, or something."
Taoist, really, but I am just thankful she has never pushed anything on me.
Ahahah, not even the day when I came home from high school and she was vacuuming my teenager room. I walked in, a little nervous that she had found my drugs, but, nah, she was just eying my copy of "The Satanic Bible". She turned off the vacuum to ask me, (in valley girl voice), "Ah, are you, like, a devil worshiper, now?" I explained that I was simply researching my Satanic, drug-addict, 6-years my elder, monster movie loving, darksider, but, still punk rock boyfriend's higher power, so I could properly discuss religion with him. "I NEED TO UNDERSTAND SO THAT I CAN STAY POSITIVE AND COMMUNICATE, MOMMMM." And we were all good.
Now, you are correct to assume that identifying with Taoist principals would not encourage me to speak badly of anyone, but I have a lot of work to do.
Demon seeds encourage you to do enough drugs to wipe out a small village when you said that you QUIT. Demon seeds fake accidents at work so that you pick up slack while they watch cable all day. Demon seeds take you for a ride, talking all the while about what "good people" they are, when they really have bad, bad, bad person intentions. Demon seeds will FOR SURE fuck your other half and lie to your face. Demon seeds prolly missed out on some childhood attachments. Demon seeds pretend to be your best girlfriend, when really, actually, they just made a DEAL with a millionaire playboy. (Deal="Get that new girl in town to fuck me and you can have a most serious shopping spree".)
I have had far too many demon seeds in my world, as of late. I need to have an exorcism. It will probably involve staying the fuck out of the club, off of the sauce, and deleting many contacts.
love-jem gf
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