...direct quote from D-lister to me at the club.
Ug, I DETEST AWARDS SEASON. Here they ALL come. All of the dudes that you have ever "known". Outta' the woodwork and inta'..
threesome proposal land
lookin' you up land
re-hit on you land
be at the party land, be at dinner land
be my "date" land
verbally abuse you for having the audacity to NOT fuck them land
The day REALLY DOES come, kids. The day when the LAST THING IN LIFE that you wanna do is starfuck. Well, for some of us, the lucky ones, the ones who got out alive.
Not everyone is so lucky. My therapists and professors are TOTALLY WANNABE starfuckers. DE-pressing, I can't escape the LA bubble.
"Let's find out how many standard deviations away from the mean the INCOME of guys SHE [points to ME] DATES is..."
- Nerd professor joke, today.
"Maybe we can do our sessions at your house in the hills and YOUR FRIENDS will see that I do house calls and they will hire me, too? That would be fabulous."
-Therapist, today
I don't wanna talk about why I would slum it with a Z-lister when I COULD be with an A-lister for the duration of awards season.
How bout a NO-lister? Or a Dean's-lister?
I'm only dating NO-listers and DEAN'S-listers for a minute, well, at least 'till the Oscars are over...
love-jem gf
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