
HAPPY bulk text blocker eve!

On account of me celebrating life every single day of this calendar year and every single calendar year for the past fifteen years, I do NOT need to write about New Years Eve. What a special day! PSYCH!!!
Won't it be fun to wear special dresses and have a beautiful meal? Drink too many bottles of champagne and dance all night? Make out with strangers from midnight-sunrise? Clink glasses with my best friends and gush about how lucky and fabulous we are? THAT SOUNDS LIKE A TUESDAY!!! NOT A HOLIDAYYYYYYY!

So, I have a minute to finish developing this bulk text blocking downloadable application that I have been working on since that dreadful "Turkey Day, pilgrim, gobble gobble" bullshit began the holiday bulktextraveganza. Hopefully, I can have it up and running to operate 'round Valentines Day (eh. shudder.) and/or every day that a promoter weasels your digits outta' you.

Hey-I have an idea! If you are thinking of bulk texting me about ANYTHING-DON'T!

There are not too many better ways to make me feel UN-special. I mean, I guess bringing 5 models on our vacation is a close second. CLOSE.

love- jem girlfriend

tramp-osaurus rex

I had dinner with an old family friend this evening. Here are some quotes.

(All in an EYE-talian accent):

"You been whorin' round, you-sonofabitch. I hear things."

"Don't cho' lie to me, Tramp-osaurus Rex, I know 'bout your boyfriends."

HIM: "There are a lot of Mooses here, tonight. [At dinner]"
ME: "What? Mooches? Here? At the Restaurant? Huh?
HIM: "No, you sonofabitch, MOOSES-An ugly fucking animal. Ugly horns. FAT. Worthless. Just fuckin' ugly."

Aaaahh-reasons # 874, 875, & 876 NOT to get into organized crime.

love-jem girlfriend


your heart=my piñata

I mean it every single time that I get engaged. I really do.

...'Till I realize all of the reasons that we do NOT have each other’s backs. {Aha! PROLLY THE BIGGEST PROBLEM, EVER!}

...And that I get butterflies from all sorts of things. {BYE ,BYE BUTTERFLIES, ASSHOLE. HELLO BUTTERFLIES FROM HOPEFULS.}

...You prolly just wanna 'seal the deal' 'cuz you are a business-minded dude. {SUCCESS SUPERCEDES EMOTIONAL CONTENT.}

...You've never met a girl like this before, so you should tie me down and lock me away while I am still young enough to think that you are legit. [I AM NOT A DOLLY/YOUR DOLLY.}

...Oh, WAITTT, when you said that you "loved reading in bed, just like me", you MEANT 'STAR WARS' NOVELS? {DEAL BREAKER.}

...Oohhh, uh, yeahhh,.. You can't quit being a hoover/social crack smoker with that guy from Celebrity Rehab? [DRUGGIE COUPLES ARE FOR ASSHOLES.}


I dunno what the hot combo is, really. I DO know that I have been engaged more than anyone that I know and married zero.

love- jem gf

action expresses priorities.




Child model vs. Grown ass woman?

Any member of the billionaire club vs. Date night w/ "boyfriend"?

Yet, another holiday vs. Responsibilities?

Famous vs. Real?

The club+table+bottle vs. Your feelings?

A great story vs. Going to bed at a decent hour?

Luxury accommodations vs. Thinking for yourself?

Going fast vs. Going slow?


"And maybe you don't go to hell for the things you do. Maybe you go to hell for the things you don't do.”
-Chuck Palahniuk

What's yo' BBD?

love-strategist jem girlfriend

nerd party 101

Did you ever make a sex tape? With your University advisor AND another professor? Well, I mean, just with your advisor. While a professor filmed it? Not YOUR professor! JUST A professor? Like, from the philosophy department or something.

I was just wondering.

love-strategist jem girlfriend


brian science burn out/gangsta'

When I am not getting up to utter shenanigans, I am a scientist. I will eventually be a neurologist, but right now, just a brain scientist. I FUCKING LOVE SCIENCE! Academia is the OTHER reason that I am alive. I love getting A’s. I love studying. I love that there is an ongoing challenge rattling ‘round my head that MUST GET TO MASTERY LEVEL. The field of neuroscience serves me a plate of humble pie! I bitch and moan that there is “nothing new”, “nothing special” in my social life every single day. And then, “Ahhhhhhhhhhh, let some, circadian rhythms, biological psychology, neuroendocrinology, hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis, hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis, neurotransmitters, homeostasis, dimorphic sexual-behavior, motor control, sensory processing, photo reception, organizational/activational effects of hormones, drug/alcohol effects on your noggin’ let me know how much I DO NOT KNOW ANYTHING!”

Life is more interesting when I apply this knowledge to my life/lifestyle/relationships.

Life is worth living when I focus on how I will study baby brains ‘till I discover ways that I will help kids that need me.

Life is…uh…all of these other things…too…I guess

My education keeps me in check. My education also burns me out. If you haven’t noticed, I sure feel like I deserve to drink and fuck and blow off steam any way that I see fit.

AHAHAHAHHAHA! Just like Natalie Portman says on her SNL gangsta’ rap about life at Harvard…

Guys: “What you want, Natalie?”
Natalie Portman: “TO DRINK AND FIGHT.”

Guys: ‘What you need, Natalie?”
Natalie Portman: "TO FUCK ALL NIGHT.”

Well? See. She gets it.

love- strategist gem girlfriend


endless summer

Ingrate fuckhead entry #87=Sometimes, i want out of this life. And I am not the only one. In all seriousness, my friends and I discuss how to find actual contentment in this world of holiday, jewels, parties, dinners, clubs, luxury, luxury, fabulous, fabulous. I cannot even count how many times one of us has muttered, "UHHHGH-I can't possibly drink ONE more bottle of Veuve, Dom, Patron, etc...It doesn't even matter that they bring it to the table with a ho train holding sparklers high above their heads... " See also:” Lobster is too rich to eat everyday." See also:" I'm tired of vacation. I just want to come back to 'real life' (LA)." See also: "Young Hollywood are not REAL PEOPLE." See also: "Awards season is just TOO MUCH for me." See also:" I don't really WANT to drive up the coast and eat the finest caviar, I just want Mexican food and a movie." See also: "I can't leave till tomorrow because he won't let me fly coach." See also: "I have already had four spa days this week, why would i want to go AGAIN?" See also: "I wish that we didn't have sheriff license plates on the Maserati. I'm tired of lapping it with 2 leggy babes at 90 mph down Sunset because we can."

I think it is like when you are little and you say , "When i grow up i will eat cake and ice cream everyday." And then you get big and cake for breakfast everyday makes you sick. And fat.

I think that this life is making me sick and fat, too.

love-strategist jem girlfriend

chicken nuggets with a side of smack

All of the "how I am", know-it-all, Ms. Perfect, boss-of-the-world stuff? The i-am-6-feet-tall-and-a-brain-scientist stuff? Yeahhhhh wellllll, we all have bad days. You finish your finals. Your job is demanding. Your exes are looking you up to discuss your role in the demise of the relationship. Your family is threatening you. You are tired. Bored. Etc.

Hey! Hey! I know! Leave the club and drive straight to skid row! Oh, fuck, well, not straight, per se...get some fuckin' McDonalds If you are going to do shit that you NEVER DO? Go to MICKEYD's while you are downtown! Then go pull over by some tents and huddling drug addicts. Roll down your window. Purchase four balloons of heroin. Do it! Do it all! Puke your fucking guts out for an entire day. And then remember why you be good and not bad. Relapse on junk and junk food in one bitter evening is TOTALLY BULLSHIT! Hence the phrase, "I haven't touched the shit in a decade."
IN-Being cool, together, smart, clean
OUT-Falling off like a lame brained, average, boring, self-obsessed loser
The worst decision anyone can make is one on an empty stomach, oh, wait...

love-strategist jem girlfriend


how ta' be

I am the child of a drug-dealing-life-of-the -party father and a Playboy Bunny mother. Whoooops!
I have willfully gone to therapy for twenty consecutive years. I FUCKING LOVE THERAPY!
This may be dull to read, but skim...my goal in life howta' BE...

Characteristics of Self Actualizing People:
Acceptance and Realism: Self-actualized people have realistic perceptions of themselves, others and the world around them.

Problem-centering: Self-actualized individuals are concerned with solving problems outside of themselves, including helping others and finding solutions to problems in the external world. These people are often motivated by a sense of personal responsibility and ethics.

Spontaneity: Self-actualized people are spontaneous in their internal thoughts and outward behavior. While they can conform to rules and social expectations, they also tend to be open and unconventional.

Autonomy and Solitude: Another characteristic of self-actualized people is the need for independence and privacy. While they enjoy the company of others, these individuals need time to focus on developing their own individual potential.

Continued Freshness of Appreciation: Self-actualized people tend to view the world with a continual sense of appreciation, wonder and awe. Even simple experiences continue to be a source of inspiration and pleasure.

Peak Experiences: Individuals who are self-actualized often have peak experiences, or moments of intense joy, wonder, awe and ecstasy. After these experiences, people feel inspired, strengthened, renewed or transformed.


Thank you the field of brain science! I am doing ok!

love-strategist jem girlfriend

it is a bitter pill to swallow

This is my favorite quote of the day.
Neil Gaiman is an English author. This quote is from a novella of his that i picked up.

"Have you ever been in love? Horrible isn't it? It makes you so vulnerable. It opens your chest and it opens up your heart and it means someone can get inside you and mess you up. You build up all these defenses. You build up a whole armor, for years, so nothing can hurt you, then one stupid person, no different from any other stupid person, wanders into your stupid life... You give them a piece of you. They didn't ask for it. They did something dumb one day, like kiss you or smile at you, and then your life isn't your own anymore. Love takes hostages. It gets inside you. It eats you out and leaves you crying in the darkness, so simple a phrase like 'maybe we should be just friends' or 'how very perceptive' turns into a glass splinter working its way into your heart. It hurts. Not just in the imagination. Not just in the mind. It's a soul-hurt, a body-hurt, a real gets-inside-you-and-rips-you-apart pain. Nothing should be able to do that. Especially not love. I hate love."

Thanks, Neil!

love-strategist jem girlfriend


It is vocab hour!

CHILD MODELS are 14-19 years old-ish.

Because we were you. Because we still spend time with you. Because it kills me softly how much you have to learn. 'Prolly the hard way, 'Prolly!
Child models are always at Koi. Child models are always at the club. Child models are always tryin' to fuck my wealthy/famous friends.

Wow. If you tell me one more time how much you LOOOOOFE spicy tuna crispy rice? If you tell me how much you get to meet 'exciting/interesting people'? That you wanna' date' X=A-lister friend of mine? Oh, wait, are you flying on a private jet this weekend to an exotic island? Wow. Really? Uncanny.
What is a gal ta' do? I mean, there is nothing you can do about being a wise old EX-child model. Except thank fucking Christ that your life experience left you with perspective and unnecessary/situation -specific wisdom in this god forsaken shit show of a social circle?

You are a child. You are a model. These are the facts. It is an additional fact that I have to hear you discuss your high school graduation commencement speech thoughts while we kick it poolside with a mogul or ten. Como se dice, "What am I DOING HERE WITH YOU BABIES”? I guess we all have to get a little lost before we find ourselves, huh?

love-strategist jem girlfriend